2024 Sermons
Going Home Another Way - Based on Mt 2: 1-12
Leaving the Boat - Based on Mark 1:14-20
Jesus and the Demons - Based on Mark 1: 21-28
Not Grow Weary - Based on Isa 40:21-31 and Mark 1:29-39
Fear and Forgetting - Based on 2 Kings 2:1-12 and Mark 9:2-9
Foolishness, Wisdom, & Awe - Based on Proverbs 9:9-18 & 1 Cor 1:18-25
Silence and Awe - Based on Psalm 46: 4-11 and Job 28:1-11
Part of Something So Much Bigger - Based on Job 38:12-21 & Mt 10:26-31
Awe in the community - Based on Job 38:22-30 and Mark 11:1-11
Fear and Hope and Happy Endings - Based on Mark 16:1-8
Finding Jesus at the Table - Based on Luke 24:13-39
Faithful Economy - Based on Psalm 133 and Acts 4: 32-35
Wooly Mammals That We Are - Based on Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18
Dry Bones - Ezekiel 37:1-14
Hearing in your own language - Based on Acts 2: 1-21
Rebirth - Based on John 3:1-10
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made - Based on Psalm 139:13-18 & Mark 2:23-28
How the house gets plundered - Based on Genesis 3:8-13 and Mark 3:20-30
Growth Happens - Based on Ezekiel 17:22-24 and Mark 4:26-34
Who Then is This? - Based on Gospel of Mark 4:35-41 - By Jordan Wilson
Whose Life Is More Important? - Based on Mark 5:21-43
Prophets on Mission - Ezekiel 2:1–7 and Mark 6:1–13 - By Jordan Wilson
Reality Check: Finding a Straight Edge - Based on Amos 7: 7-15 & Mark 6: 14-29
The Math of God - Based on Daniel 5: 1-30
Reality Check III: That Wasn’t OK, David - Based on Psalm 14: 1-6 & 2 Samuel 11:1-6a
Growing through Grace - Based on Ephesians 4:1–16 - By Jordan Wilson
When Good News Is Not Good News - Based on 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33
Doers of the Word - Based on Luke 6: 46-49 and James 1: 17-27
Fair and Good Things - Based on Luke 13: 10-17 and Kings 3: 16-28
You are (not exactly) what you eat - Based on Mark 7:17-23
Words That Destroy - Based on James 3:5b-12
What Must I Do? - Based on Mark 10:17-27 and Micah 6:6-8
What Must I Do? Do Justice - Based on Isaiah 1:10-17 and Luke 4:16-19
Love Kindness - Based on 1 Cor 13: 1-7 and Luke 6:32-36
Walk Humbly with Your God - Based on Proverbs 11:1-4 & Mark 12:38-40
Love Your Enemies - Based on Luke 6:27-31
Believe - Based on John 11:1-6; 17-27
Epistle of Straw: What is the content of your belief? - Matt 25:34-40 & James 2:14-26
The Wolf and the Lamb - Based on Isaiah 65:17-25
Are you are a king? - Based on John 18:33-37
Hope for the Turning Around of the World - Based on Luke 1:8-20
Turning the World to Peace - Based on Isaiah 9:1-7 and Luke 1:72-79
Rejoice at the Turning of the World - Based on Luke 1:46b-55
Turning the world to love - Based on Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:39-45
Light in the Darkness - Based on Luke 2:1-20
Wintering - Based on Matt 2:1-12